"Well, I guard things. I'm a guard, you see. Guarding. Yep, that's what I do." "I'm a guard." You see a guard. 0 stnd 25 He laughs. Nastily. "Oh, don't get me wrong. Adventurers can be useful. But not in a war. Loose cannons just get in the way, 9 times out of ten. Go help the mayor of Formello. I hear she needs help taking care of her jewelry. Tell her I have a nice necklace she can buy." 0 adven 11 "You won't have luck to the north either. Go beat up aranea. There, you could be useful." He grins nastily. "To see the king, you need a Royal Token. And you can only get one from a Council member. And none of them around here will help you, because we don't want anyone butting in." He laughs. "Beating the sliths is the army's job." 0 token 11 "Taking care of this city, and the surrounding area. And I can do it just fine without a bunch of adventurers such as yourselves butting in. The last thing we need is adventurers. You won't get a token here, fellow." He turns to address you. "I am mayor Bevan, lord-protector of Almaria." There is a very large bearded man in simple, embroidered robes sitting behind the desk. He's juggling figures on sheets of parchment. 0 stnd 11 20 14 Julio's weapons 7 purch 10 "You can purchase from me fine weapons. That's what I'm here for!" "I'm Ramirez." There is a dark-skinned man with long black hair sharpening a wicked looking blade behind the counter. He smiles at you when he sees you, but doesn't stop sharpening. 0 stnd 10 "Yes. Fort Draco is far, far, far to the north. It's an iron rich area, and they have a forge! They can even make steel! It's as good an advantage over the sliths as any." 0 fort 9 13 7 Rosemary's armor 5 purch 9 "I sell armor here, of all sorts. High quality, just shipped down from Fort Draco. You can buy it, if you have the gold. Can't beat armor from the fort." "My name is Rosemary." A short, strong woman with long black hair polishes a shield behind the counter. 0 stnd 9 "Southwest. Archmage named Patrick runs a school there. Gloomy place now. His wife is sick. Not much hope for her. If someone could heal her, they'd pick up a pretty penny, but I'm not betting on it happening." 0 tower 8 "Nice, peaceful farming town to the northeast. Hope to settle down there. Shrooms grow well, and they know how to treat a merchant." 0 mertis 8 "I'm a merchant, ya' see. I'm heading back up to Mertis, back from a run to Patrick's tower." "Greetings! Come join me!" He waves at an empty seat. "I'm Montgomery. Call me Monty." A heavy-set man with a moustache and very dark complexion is working at a bowl of stew and bottle of wine. He's dressed for travel. 0 stnd 8 "We'll win this war, but it'll be a bloody, bloody business." He returns to his wine. "Island! The slith leader, this, oh, I can't pronounce it, big slith, lives on an island to the northwest. King's looking for someone to hit it. Fat chance." He thinks. "I met someone who saw the island once. Name was Chuck. Probably dead now." 0 island 7 "Ach. I don't know how we humans are ever going to hit the island." He hawks, and spits on the floor. "Vicious bastards! Tough as nails, and smarter than the kitties! We've been trying to raid this fort they have in the swamp. It's like some major sacred temple, though. We couldn't get near it." 0 slith 7 "I'm on leave. I've been running raids against the sliths." He belches. "I'm Ramone." An archer sits at this table. A half empty bottle of wine sits in front of him. 0 stnd 7 "Rhiannon is my mommy. Julio is my daddy. They do stuff!" 0 mommy 6 "Yeah! The statues! They're who I have to play with, so that's who I play with! This is where mommy puts me while she works!" 0 friends 6 "Yeah! With ... um ... my friends." She flashes you a mischievious smile. 0 playing 6 "Oh, just playing." She smiles at you shyly. "I'm Kelly." You see a truly rare sight - a child. An actual little girl playing among the fungus and slime as if it was normal. 0 stnd 6 "Alas, I have heard nothing of interest." 0 divulge 5 "I wait." It says, very, very quietly, "I was, in life, Karak." This is a statue of a bold Exile soldier, slain in action some time ago. It is also alive. You see its eyes move to look at you occasionally. 0 stnd 5 10 10 Rhiannon 12 purch 4 "Better buy some soon. I could sell out at any moment." "Yes! Wonderful, wonderful wine! And even edible! Made by local farmers, and not much money for a bottle. It's in bottles! Bet you never thought you'd see booze in actual bottles again. And this is the only place you can get it!" 0 wine 4 10 10 Her smile momentarily fades. "I'm afraid you don't have the money." 3 room 4 6 3 11 food 4 "Well, you could buy some food - the merchants haven't quite bought us out of rations yet. The common room is full, I'm afraid. Merchants again. But the nice room is free, only 15 gold. And we have wine!" "I am Rhiannon. Welcome, welcome, welcome." She seems far happier that you've arrived than she should. A tall, thin woman with lovely, long, brown hair tends bar. 0 stnd 4 6 0 Dexter's 'tools' 12 advent 3 He laughs, and checks to make sure the store is empty. "Yes. I sell certain, umm..., tools. And believe me, nobody is more adept in their use than I. Whenever you want any 'tools', just remind me you're an adventurer. 0 tools 3 25 24 Dexter the fletcher 7 purch 3 "I sell archery supplies. Mainly. Let me know if you want to purchase any." "Welcome. I'm Dexter." Sunk down behind the counter is a man so slight you're surprised he's not invisible. Sparse wispy hair is arranged on a rapidly balding pate. He smiles at you in a disturbingly toothy way. 0 stnd 3 "If it is anywhere, it is west. And when someone finds it, I'm going. Even if I'm 90." "I explored the eastern tunnels, and wandered the caves of the north and south. No luck. But there are many areas to the west that humans have rarely, if ever, trod. A system of caves this large MUST have an escape route somewhere." 0 guess 2 He sighs, and his expression softens. "Finally, I gave up. But I do have a guess about that exit." His expression darkens suddenly. "I was thrown down here for, shall we say, opposing certain excesses of our town officials. I spent my first five years of exile looking for a way out. I found many blocked tunnels, came close to death many times." 0 explor 2 19 identify 2 13 sell 2 25 19 Julio the sage 12 purch 2 "Mainly, I deal in potions and such. You can purchase them, and sell such things to me as well. Also, the things I have learned in my explorations enable me to identify items with some accuracy." "Greetings to you," he says in an intimidating baritone. "I am Julio, the explorer and sage." A tall, muscular man sits behind the counter, surrounded by piles of books. 0 stnd 2 "Yes. Before I went into Exile, I tended sheep. Nice animals. Never tried to kill you. Lizards are as useful. They provide leather, and decent meat. But they're stupid, and vicious." She gives you a close look at the scars on her forearms. "Vicious!" 0 lizard 1 4 2 11 purch 1 "I sell rations. You may buy them, for prices I'm sure you will find quite reasonable." Her smile turns slightly evil. "It causes me no sadness to see the lizards go." She nods demurely. "I am Jasmine. Welcome to my shop." A woman in a plain dress stands behind the counter. She is stunningly beautiful, except for scars running up and down her arms. 0 stnd 1 9 train 0 "I train all the substandard lumps of meat that pass through my door. Like you." He wanders off for a moment, to heap abuse on a student. The student survives. Barely. He strides forward to shake your hand. A student comes up behind him and starts to ask a question. He rounds on her and shouts "You are stupid! Shut up!" He then turns back to you. "I'm Starcap. Welcome to my school." A short bearded man is training a bunch of people. The training seems to involve a lot of shouting and abuse. 0 stnd 0 "I can't help you." 43 4 A brass plaque says: Starcap - Training There is also a sun design. A brass plaque says: Jasmine - Fine foods A brass plaque says: Armor of Quality Prop.: Rosemary A brass plaque says: Fine Blades Prop.: Ramirez A brass plaque says: Julio Sage extraordinaire A brass plaque says: Dexter the Fletcher A large sign says: --- Memorial --- To those slain by the sliths. Almaria